On 15th September, 2021 a MoU had been signed between YPEER-Nepal, Machhindra Club and Machhindra Football Club. The signing ceremony was being held in the Machhindra club in presence of President of Machhindra Club Mr. Sunil Kapali, National Coordinator/ President of Y-PEER Nepal Gobinda Kasaju, Secretary of Machhindra Club, Mr. Kiran Maharjan and Secretary of Y-PEER Nepal Miss Alina Maharjan along with other members from all three parties. The objective of the agreement is to make easier to plan, implement and report on, and coordinate activities relevant to SRHR, and sports Sustainable Development Goals that will be launched by either organization during the two years. In the agreement signed by YPEER-Nepal, Machhindra Club and Machhindra Football Club, it has been agreed that both the party will be working together in the promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Sports. The agreement will be valid till 2080 BS.#ypeernepal#machhindraclub#machhindrafootballclub#SRHR#sports#MemorandumOfUnderstanding