1.National Focal Point
Sangay Dechen Gyanzo, 20
Sangay Dechen Gyanzo is a youth volunteer and an advocate for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Bhutan. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Development and is currently serving as the National Coordinator of Y-PEER Bhutan. She is very enthusiastic about working on addressing social issues related to SRHR, Young Key Population, and gender disparities through peer advocacy. Having completed her training of trainer on SRHR in 2019, as a young volunteer and advocate for more than 3 years, she has organized and taken part in facilitating several batches of National Trainings of Trainer and e-courses on SRHR and has also facilitated a hybrid training on SRHR in PNG. She has also participated as a resource person for various trainings and consultations. She holds a strong belief that the initiatives and effort of Y-PEER, no matter how insignificant, will in the long run play a pivotal role in realizing the ultimate goal of leaving no one behind.

2. National Communication Coordinator
Apsara Chhetri, 23
Apsara Chhetri is an aspiring youth and an active advocate in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights as well as Comprehensive Sexuality Education. She is currently serving as the National Communication Coordinator
for Y-PEER BHUTAN and is a nationally certified peer educator. She believes that the strength of the nation lies in the hands of strong-minded youths. She has been actively engaged in both National and International Programs, including
mentoring and facilitating five National Training of Trainers, several workshops, advocacies, meets and seminars. She has also participated in the Global Youth Meet as a delegate of Bhutan, and has represented Y-PEER in the 75th
Session WHO Regional Committee for SEARO Exhibition as well. Currently, she is also an Ambassador for MeforMyself Campaign from Bhutan. Along with preparing young people to make correct decisions by conveying rightful information,
she also works on delivering skillsets to the youths for their character development to prepare them for whats to come. Her journey as an enthusiastic volunteer and an advocate started five years ago, and she does not intend
to stop working as a youth, with the youth for a better, safer future in the coming years.

3. Board Member
Tashi Tshewang, 29
Tashi Tshewang is the senior and most active Y-PEERian and has completed the 1st National Training of Trainers (NToT) on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Peer Education in 2012. So far, he has facilitated and led most
of the NToTs and National Meets. He strongly believes that he who volunteers is the most happy man as the happiest person isn’t the one who gets more but it’s the one who GIVES MORE.

4. Core Member
Bhawana Pradhan, 23
Bhawana Pradhan is an active and enthusiastic youth advocate in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Gender Equality. She completed the 14th National Training
of Trainers (NToT) on SRHR and Peer Education in 2019. She has worked closely with Y-PEER Bhutan and Y-PEER APC as an active and dedicated volunteer. She is also one of the core members of Me for Myself (M4M), an international campaign
on Mental Health and Well-being. Ever since becoming a Certified Peer Educator for more than 3 years, she has coordinated and facilitated various national and international trainings and e-courses encircling SRHR and Peer Education.
So far, she has facilitated 5 batches of NToT, 4 batches of National e-courses and an international hybrid training for youths of Papua New Guinea (PNG). She also led the Regional Campaign on Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS)
focusing on creating awareness on YFHS and its importance. As an enthusiastic advocate, she believes in sharing what she knows to others and loves to work closely with youth for healthy and safer future.

5. Core Member
Tshering Gyeltshen, 24
Tshering Gyeltshen is a certified peer educator advocating in the fields of SRHR, CSE and GENDER EQUALITY under Y-PEER Bhutan since 2018. He completed his 10th NToT on SRHR and PEER EDUCATION IN 2018 and ever since he have/has successfully
facilitated numerous NToT and seminars related to SRHR and GENDER EQUALITY. He also facilitated a batch of National E-Course and is a Core member of Y-PEER Bhutam. Besides Y-PEER, he is also an active volunteer of HYV under YCD,
DYS. He’s been an active volunteer since a very young age and engaged himself in meaningful and civic engagement.

6. Photographer
Kiran Adhikari, 24
Kiran is a certified National Peer educator since 2021. He is a passionate photographer and mainly focuses on humanitarian photography. He has been working as a photographer with Y-PEER Bhutan since 2017. Kiran is responsible to
capture the memories and candids of Y-PEER Bhutan events. He is also an active volunteer at Youth Center Division.