SHIFT is an innovative campaign accelerator model that provides young leaders with access to the tools, resources, funding, and networks they need to design and implement impactful community campaigns, on issues that matter most to them. Save the Children Bhutan conducted a 2-day Advocacy and Campaign Workshop for 7 youth groups, where Y-PEER Bhutan put forward the SHIFT Campaign titled ‘Bringing SRHR 2 (You)th: SRHR 4 All’.

- Engage and equip students, teachers, and local leaders in Zhemgang, Mongar and Trashigang with essential knowledge to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights
- Orient the school mass and train champions in the field of SRHR and Peer Education
- Raise awareness about the adverse effects of alcohol consumption

The “Letter to Future Self” initiative holds profound significance for students. The activity encourages young individuals to pen letters to their future selves, fostering a crucial sense of selfawareness, responsibility, and empowerment regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). It
also serves as a reminder of the importance of comprehensive SRHR education and access for all.
The impactful SRHR Wall of Pledge The activity involved SRHR champions, teachers and local leaders placing their handprints over concerning headlines of SRHR issues. This symbolized collective
commitment and effort to combat SRHR issues such as rape, GBV, teenage pregnancy, and more.
The “Pledge to Self” is a powerful commitment made by students in the “You Booze, You Snooze” campaign on alcohol abuse. The pledges serve as a reminder and a commitment to their future selves to prioritize their well-being and make responsible choices regarding alcohol consumption.
The post-test scores significantly increased the student’s understanding of SRHR topics. The campaign positively impacted topics such as stigma and discrimination (4.7), sex, gender and gender equality (4.7), and SRHR in general.
The analysis of the pre-test and the post-test results provided the team with valuable insights on the campaign’s impact on student’s knowledge and awareness of SRHR in the targetted schools.
The pre-test scores generally implied a moderate understanding of SRHR and related topics. Students demonstrated a relatively higher understanding of topics related to unintended and teenage pregnancy and contraceptives and sex, gender and gender equality, with ratings of more than four in all targeted
schools. However, there was a lower understanding of services for young people (2.9), stigma and discrimination (3.2) and SRHR (3.5).
The data analysis indicates that the campaign has successfully heightened students awareness and knowledge about SRHR in a relatively short duration. The campaign bridged the initial disparity in understanding about SRHR among the students in the three targetted schools.
The post-test results not only show a quantitative improvement but also suggests a qualitative shift in the students understanding of SRHR and related topics, based on the students feedbacks and testimonials. This suggests that the campaign did not only provide information about SRHR but also fostered a
deeper understanding about the subject. These results validate our commitment to equipping young people with the knowledge and tools to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights and make informed decisions about their well-being.
Y-PEER Bhutan expresses deep gratitude to the individuals and organizations who played a pivotal role in the success of the SHIFT campaign, ‘Bringing SRHR 2 (You)th: SRHR 4 all.’ Special recognition goes to Save the Children for their collaborative spirit and financial support. The visionary dzongkhag administrations and the Programme and Youth Coordination Division under the Department of Education
Programme, MoESD, receive heartfelt thanks.
Acknowledgment extends to school managements, especially the Principals, and the Youth Center management in respective dzongkhags for their unwavering support. The true heroes, the
students, are appreciated for their courage, curiosity, and commitment in driving knowledge dissemination and empowerment through peer education.
In conclusion, Y-PEER Bhutan recognizes the immense contributions of partners, collaborators, school management, Youth Centers, and students, collectively shaping a brighter, more empowered future for
Bhutan’s youth, emphasizing informed decision-making and sexual and reproductive health empowerment.

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