Y-PEER Bhutan is thrilled to announce that the wait for the 19th National Training of Trainers on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is now over. We are seeking competent individuals to serve as facilitators for this training program. Grab this opportunity before its too late!

Program Date: July 22nd – 26th, 2023
Venue: Department of Education Programmes (former DYS), Thimphu.
Criteria for eligibility:
– Must be a qualified peer educator in the field of SRHR.
– Must be an active member who has contributed to Y-PEER Bhutan.
– All application steps must be completed.
The application form may be found at the following link: https://bit.ly/3PT3xRc Due date: 15 July 2023 (11:59 PM) For more inquiries please write to ypeer.bhutan@gmail.com
#ypeerbhutan #ntot #departmentofeducationprogrammes#nationaltrainingoftrainers @ypeer.asiapacific
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