Every year, the International Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed on 28th May to raise awareness about the importance of menstrual hygiene and to break the silence and stigma surrounding menstruation. The UNFPA theme for 2023 was ‘Making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030’. Y-PEER Bhutan with the support from Programme and Youth Coordination Division funded by UNFPA Bhutan, mobilized 14 Y-PEER sub-networks distributed all across Bhutan to conduct awareness and advocacy campaigns within and around their communities to observe the significance of the International
Menstrual Hygiene Day.

Campaign Objectives
– To promote healthy attitudes toward menstruation through advocacy and awareness
– To empower girls and women with accurate information on healthy menstrual hygiene management
– To engage boys and men to break sociocultural stereotypes and myths surrounding menstruation
– To promote sustainable menstruation practices among girls and women
14 out of 19 sub-networks designed andimplemented the menstrual hygienecampaign by conducting activities suchas sensitization, competitions,interactive theatres, giveaways, digitaladvocacy and discussions among others.
The campaign was conducted ineducational institutes in 8 districts where it reached and engaged 2,134 people in person. Our primary targetaudience were students aged 10 – 28 belonging to diverse identities acrossthe country enrolled in lower, middle,higher and tertiary educationalinstitutes including vocational trainingcenters. The campaign also reached asmall proportion of middle agedpopulation consisting of lecturers,teachers and other staff of institutes.
The campaigns done in person werealso shared on Y-PEER Bhutan’s socialmedia pages as well as the pages of therespective sub-networks. On the facebook page alone, the campaign garnered 2,387 engagement andreached 6,938. On instagram, thecampaign garnered a total of 795 likeswithin 17 days.
The networks that executed thecampaigns on 28 May 2023 are as follows:
Apollo Bhutan Institute of Nursing,Thimphu
College of Language and CultureStudies, Trongsa
College of Natural Resources,Punakha
College of Science and Technology,Chhukha
Choki Traditional Art School,Thimphu
College of Zorig Chusum
Faculty of Nursing and Public Health,Thimphu
Gedu College of Business Studies,Chhukha
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College,Samdrup Jongkhar
Jigme Singye Wangchuck School ofLaw, Paro
Norbuling Rigter College, Paro
Paro College of Education, Paro
Royal Thimphu College, Thimphu
Sherubtse College, Tashigang
For more details check out the full report HERE:
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