The 14th National Training of Trainers (NTOT) in SRHR for Young People of NEPAL has been successfully completed. For the first time, two Bhutanese from YPEER Bhutan; namely Apsara Chhetri and Bhawana Pradhan were the Lead Trainers for the entire training. The NTOT was from 12th – 16th February 2023 consisting of 30 participants within the age range of 16-25.
The training mainly covered topics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) including understanding oneself, Sex and Gender, SOGIESC, Consent, Peer helping, SDGs, ICPD, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Stigma and Discrimination, Media literacy, GBV, PSEA, Safe Abortion and Rights, Young Key Population, CSE, etc.

Various methods were utilized for the training such as role plays, focused group discussions, games, presentations, research-based presentations, etc. Bonding sessions were also organized such as dare games, cultural nights, and treasure hunts.

We are deeply grateful to the organizers YPEER-Nepal , Working Group on Disabilities and 2030 Agenda, YPEER Asia Pacific Center -Ypeer AP, Maybe God Has a Bigger Plan for Me Than I Had for Myself for providing such an opportunity, and to Department of Education Programmes and Sherig Bhutan for the utmost support to YPEER Bhutan and the trainers.
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