The theme for International Youth Day 2022 was ” Intergenerational Solidarity; Creating a World for All Ages”. To commemorate this special day, Y-PEER BHUTAN took an active part in the Intergenerational Dialog organized by DYS, YCD.

The program was graced by officials from the Royal Society for Senior Citizens, Department of Youth and Sports and around 12 Youth-led groups of the country. The program consisted of various cultural performance, dramatization, a special panel discussion and a gallery walk, whereby all the youth groups presented their missions, visions and success events of their individual organization.
The intergenerational dialog to create a world for all ages highlighted key issues that can be seen, which causes intergenerational differences. The panelists then discussed their expectations from one another and developed solutions to reduce the intergenerational gap.
Few of the solutions were to treat one another with respect, to come up with more avenues for collaboration between the generations and to communicate effectively with one another.
We would like to congratulate and thank Mr Tshewang Dorji and Ms Tshering Bidha from Y-PEER Bhutan for taking part in the discussion as panelists.
Overall, the day was meaningfully engaging. We were for sure able to reduce a bit of intergenerational gap, with the hope for a smoother and better relationship, along with inclusive decisions for the future.
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