The Training on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for the students of Wangsel Institute of the Deaf started from 14th to 17th October, 2022.

There were 16 number of students, 6 deaf instructors and 2 intrepretors followed by 5 facilitators from Y-PEER Bhutan.
The training covered various topics such as Understanding One’s Self, Consent, SRHR, Sex and Gender, Menstrual Health Management, Gender Based Violence, Stigma and Discrimination and many more. These were followed by presentation, role-plays, focused group discussion and fun energizers.
The training was a huge success whereby the participants were fully engaged and interactive, and the learning was two ways. Our facilitators could also leave with a lot of new insights as well as with basic sign language knowledge. Overall, it was a wholesome training.
The closing ceremony was graced by Department of Youth and Sports’ General Director and Chief Program Officer who highlighted on the importance of this training and the way forward.
The participants really enjoyed and expressed their gratitude to the team. We thank Department of Youth and Sports for their utmost support, YPEER Asia Pacific Center -Ypeer AP for financial support and Wangsel Institute for the Deaf – Paro, Bhutan for their active participation and love.
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