Call for application: First National E-course on SRHR and Mental Health

YPEER Bhutan together with its partners Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center, Department of Youth and Sports and UNFPA Bhutan are going to conduct the first national E-Course on SRHR (Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights).

This course will update the YPEER members on information of various issues related to SRHR and other related youth issues. It will provide a platform to share and discuss ideas and engage members meaningfully.

Who should join the e-course

YPEER members of YPEER Bhutan

How to join the e-course

Registration form could be completed within 1 minutes using the following link

Where will the e-course take place and cost

We will use the Google Classroom as the platform of the e-course. Participants do not need to pay any cost for the e-course.

How long does the e-course take to complete

Participants have freedom of choice to attend the offline class as per their convenience and each class will be online for 1 weeks. The course will take around one month one week to end.

What are the e-course topics

The e-course will provide an information about sexual and reproductive health and rights for young advocates and activists promoting SRHR and empowerment within the country. This will enable YPEER members to update and further discuss on the core mandates of YPEER.

SL. No.ClassesTopicsCoordinator
1Class 1Understanding Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Metal HealthRangjung Dorji
2Class 2Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and AFHS (Adolescent Friendly Health Services)Yeshi Dorji
3Class 3Menstrual Hygiene and issues related to STI updates within the countryTashi choden
4Class 4ICPD and ContraceptivesPema choden and sonam choki
5Class 5Sex and Gender and ethics of YPEERRinchen Dorji


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