Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center (APDA), together with UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (UNFPA APRO), held a hybrid Intergenerational Dialogue of the Asian Parliamentarians and Youth Advocates to
Address Meaningful Youth Engagement on 2-3 June 2022 in Bangkok,Thailand. 

This dialogue is a continuation of last year’s programme that was named “Inter-Generational Dialogue 2021”, and its objective is to follow up and share good practices of meaningful youth engagement and youth policies/laws, especially in the COVID-19 context. Furthermore, this event aims to strengthen partnerships between parliamentarians/NCs, CSOs, and youth advocates in respective countries and explore modalities for meaningful youth participation and engagement.

This intergenerational dialogue aimed to share a common understanding of meaningful youth engagement and good examples of youth engagement to inform action plans in respective countries. At the same time, this dialogue was intended to connect parliamentarians, youth advocates, and CSO representatives in their respective countries
in order to facilitate follow-up discussions on action plans.

This year the Intergenerational Dialogue focused on Dialogue as well as a field visits to show the actions taken by policymakers and civil society focusing on the adolescents and young people in Thailand. The event also provided a new avenue and sharing platform of various initiatives done by Young People contributing on Youth Adult Partnership and
various emerging issues.