Hride Moudgil - India

Hride Moudgil is currently pursuing undergraduate degree ( BBA) in India. He loves to express his thoughts through writings either via a poem or an article.

Ho Thi Kim Hang - Vietnam

Kim is a Vietnamese youth who majors in Global Economics and tech enthusiast, blending deep expertise in market research and data analysis with a passion for innovation in business and social equity. She is dedicated to leveraging technology to create impactful, sustainable solutions that drive social and economic progress worldwide.

Tshering Phuntsho - Bhutan

Tshering Phuntsho is an active Y-PEER member of Bhutan with a strong passion for advocacy on SRHR, CSE, and SOGIESC! He is super thrilled to be a part of the Y-PEER Asia Pacific internship program with a strong dedication to learn and grow with the team!

John Anthony - PNG

John Anthony is a dedicated intern from Papua New Guinea, with a passion for IT. Currently, he is assisting with general technical IT support issues in the workplace, including software and hardware troubleshooting.

Tenzin Choden - Bhutan

Tenzin is a dedicated youth advocate for SRHR. She embraces challenges as valuable learning opportunities and infuse energy and liveliness into every endeavor with her vibrant and vocal demeanor.

Suren Warshamana - Sri Lanka

Suren is a student youth worker from Sri Lanka. He is passionate about empowering youth and helping them find better opportunities. He would like to keep them updated with the right information to make informed decisions in their lives.

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