A session related to Menstrual Hygiene Management.

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In this Menstrual Hygiene Week, YPEER-Nepal in collaboration with United Youth Network and Amnesty International Joseph Youth Network successfully conducted another session on Menstrual Hygiene Management. It was one of the most interactive and fruitful sessions. The major highlighted keys on the session were:1. Participation of Members of the United Youth Network, Joseph Youth Network, and Y-PEER Nepal. 2. Session on Menstrual cycle, Menstrual Hygiene Management, PMS & PMDD, and its management.3. Team discussions and presentations on Social and cultural taboos, Roles of youths in promoting MHM and tackling taboos, and “My first Menstruation” experience sharing and learning tips on MHM. Thank you to the facilitators, Ms. Supriya Sthapit and Ms. Šítu Šhrestha, and all the board members and participants without whom the session would not be possible.