| Call for Application | 10th National Training of Trainers (NTOT) on Peer Education & SRHR for Young People with Disabilities* Posted on : 20 February, 2020

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Y-PEER is a network of Young People and Organizations working in the sector of Young Peoples’ Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) & other issues through Peer Education approach since 1999 AD. It is currently working in more than 50 countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Y-PEER Regional Centers are based in Bulgaria Jordan, and Thailand.

in In Nepal, Y-PEER was established in 2010 promoting peer education approach on SRHR issues. Y-PEER National Training of Trainers (TOT) is standard training implemented in more than 50 countries using standard manuals. In Asia Pacific Region, the standard Training had been implemented from Kiribati in East Pacific until Afghanistan in South Asia. 

The 10th National TOT which is the 1st National TOT for young people with Disabilities in the Region will be implemented to promote peer education approach among young people with Disabilities. 

The Training is supported by NDFN, NDYC, Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center and Robert Carr Funds.

Who can Apply :  

-Young People with Hearing impairment (Deaf) from all districts of  Nepal.

– Between Age 16-30

– All gender

– With knowledge of Sign Language

Date of Training:

 13-15 March 2020  

Venue : Kavre, Nepal  (Venue will be shared with selected Applicants)

Application open 

20th  February 2020 –  4th March 2020


All the training cost is covered by organisers and there is no registration fees.

Announcement of Selected Participants

 8th March 2020

Link to apply:


Detail information or any question related to this training can be requested by email : info@ypeernepal.org , Awnu.np@ypeerap.org