The National Representatives serve as the pivotal link between the National Networks and Y-PEER AP, embodying the diverse structures and organisational forms present across Asia Pacific countries. Elected annually by National Members, these individuals hold the esteemed position of National leads within their respective networks.
Since the National Networks comprises of registered NGOs, registered foundations, unregistered networks and those hosted by other organisation, the selection process for the National Representative depends on the annual cycle of the networks. Through their leadership, the National Representative play a vital role in amplifying the voices of youth, advocating SRHR, and fostering synergy within their national contexts and beyond.

Marzia Gohari

Marzia was born in the most backward region of Afghanistan called Daikundi, Afghanistan. She always had the wish to be able to help the girls and youth of Afghanistan, and fortunately my dream came true through joining Y-PEER Afghanistan in 2017. She got the opportunity to attend online PTP training and various other workshops rafter which she started facilitating sessions on SRHR, CSE, mental health, life skills, family planning, climate change, puberty, prevention of early marriages, etc. As a National Coordinator of Y-PEER Afghanistan, she is grateful to Y-PEER Afghanistan and Y-PEER AP for their guidance, support and motivations so far.

Sandip Kumar Paul

A 22-year-old Computer Science undergraduate at BRAC University, Sandip brings a diverse and impactful background in youth development to this leadership position. Sandip envisions a Y-PEER Bangladesh where young voices are amplified, driving positive social change throughout the country. His proven ability to lead, educate, and inspire makes him a perfect fit for this crucial role. By fostering collaboration and leveraging his diverse skillset, Sandip’s leadership promises to empower Bangladeshi youth, promote well-being, and build a brighter future for all.

Palden Wangchuk Dorji

Palden is a passionate advocate and a dedicated agent of positive change. He has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Natural Resources. He believes and recognizes the critical role of agriculture in achieving the SDGs. Palden’s work extends beyond agriculture, as he is also actively engaged in advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) as an active member of Y-PEER. He firmly believes in the importance of empowering individuals, especially young people, to make informed choices about their reproductive health. He believes in the potential of collective action to achieve the SDGs and is dedicated to driving positive change in society.

Shangyu Shen

Shangyu is a devoted advocate in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender Equality in China. Beyond her impactful contributions at CYN, her dedication extends to advocating for Gender Equality. As a member of the Asian Women Development Plan International (AWDPI) Legal Support team, she is actively involved in efforts to eliminate violence and discrimination against Asian women. Her professional journey reflects a commitment to fostering awareness on SRHR and gender equality, contributing to a healthier and safer future for young individuals worldwide. In her role as National Coordinator, she is eager to elevate the connection between Y-PEER AP and Y-PEER CHINA/CYN, seeking collaborative opportunities to advance the shared mission.

Bhaumika Gupta

Bhaumika Gupta is a second-year student of Law. Since 2018, she has been involved with
various National and International Youth Networks. She is passionate about adolescent health
and well- being, mental health, AYSRHR, Juvenile Justice and Human Rights for all. She
believes in “Nothing About Us and Without Us” and encourages adolescents and youth
especially very young adolescents to come forward and raise their interests, concerns and
problems. She hopes to continue to grow as a youth leader through Y-PEER AP as a regional
youth network.


Chimy has worked in executive role in youth sports and remain very closely connected to youth empowerment. He is a believer of the power that youth hold which is untapped. Creating opportunities to bring young minds to front and helping them realise their true potential will always be his goal. He believes that the opportunity to represent the youth of Maldives is an honor for him. As a national coordinator, he promises to his fellow youth that he will protect all your wishes and work hard to achieve it for you.

Nishant Kumar

Nishant is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s in Business Administration at Patan Multiple Campus, affiliated with Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He is an active and enthusiastic youth advocate in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Currently, he serves as the National Coordinator of Y-PEER Nepal for the year 2023 and is a Core Member of the Live Now Together Campaign. His primary focus lies in aiding and advocating for the empowerment of young people. He firmly believe in the philosophy of “Learning by Doing.” As an ardent advocate, he is committed to sharing knowledge and working closely with youth to ensure a healthier and safer future.

Nishant Kumar

Mr. Joshua Dilawar is a young activist and artist from Lahore, Pakistan – working in the development sector since 2012: stiving for youth empowerment and meaningful engagement. He’s a member of the Prime Minister’s National Youth Council and has vast experience in running projects and campaigns on Advocacy, Inclusion, Gender Eqaulity, Human Rights, Peace, Life Skills Based Education, Mental Health, Reproductive Health, Family Planning, GBV, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development. 

Edwin Terwiel Ningal

Edwin is a dedicated senior-year student at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), where he studies Demography and Anthropology with a focus on Population and Development. Beyond his academic pursuits, Edwin is a passionate advocate for community development. Serving as a UPNG Peer Counselor, he provides invaluable support and guidance to his fellow students.

As the National Coordinator for Y-PEER PNG, Edwin leads initiatives that advocate for sexual and reproductive health and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among youth in the Asia Pacific Region. His global impact is further evidenced by his roles as a Global Youth Ambassador at Their world, a 2023 KECTIL Colleague, and a Millennium Campus Network Fellow.

Ram Dulip Randombage

Titled Mr. Gay World Sri Lanka 2021 and also coming under the most 17 inspirational LGBTQIA+ youth icons in Sri Lanka, Ram is a professional model, actor and a social media influencer with a huge fans following on his social media and a dedicated and strong work ethic. Being an influencer and after being a panel speaker in many local/international platforms on behalf of several social issues, he grabbed the title of Asia’s Motivational Speaker of the Year 2021 as well. He is the only candidate from Sri Lanka who got nominated to represent Sri Lanka in Commonwealth Youth Council Committee Election 2021. He has served as Y-PEER AP Focal for Sri Lanka 2021-2022.

Tawanshine Lekpetchsawang

Tawanshine works at The Children and Youth Council of Thailand. She is a young woman passionate about advancing SRHR, gender equality, and empowering young women in Thailand while also advocating for children’s rights. She hopes to witness the well-being of young individuals in terms of their reproductive health, encompassing physical, mental, and social aspects. Because of the intersection of women’s sexual and reproductive health with human rights encompasses the right to life, freedom from torture, health, privacy, education, and the prevention of discrimination, highlighting the intricate connections between these fundamental aspects.

Tuyen Nguyen

With 7 years of experience in the non-profit sector, Tuyen is ruthless in pursuing her ambition- understanding key problems of inequality through a gender lens. From 2017, she started working as an activist in non-profit, gender equality, gender-based violence (GBV) and education. In 2019, she participated in a UNWOMEN’s youth program, contributing to develop an independent report on the implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Vietnam. After the DiF 2022 Rethink Development course organized by ECUE, she and other colleagues founded ‘The Loop’ project, a forum to discuss the potential violence against women and gender minorities in everyday social interactions.