Link to submit details: ( Time Required to fill the form: 3 Minutes only*) (primary link) ( alternative link )

Official Poster 


Dear Youth advocates and organizations,

As part of a joint effort of the IATT on YKPs (Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations from Asia and the Pacific), Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center, Youth Lead and UNAIDS RST for Asia and the Pacific are gathering information about young people aged 18 to 29 from Asia and the Pacific, who are planning to attend the 23rd International AIDS Conference AIDS 2020: Virtual and/or HIV 2020 Conference.

AIDS 2020: Virtual will be held on 6-10 July 2020 and it is the first virtual edition of the International AIDS Conference. The HIV 2020 Conference consists of a series of 2-hour sessions that will take place via Zoom between the months of July and October.

Young people planning to attend one or both conferences in different capacities, for example as an abstract presenter, poster presenter, online booth presenter, or general participant are invited to fill the form.

The information collected through this form will be used to
1) strengthen coordination among young people attending AIDS 2020 and HIV 2020 from Asia and the Pacific;
2) map sessions and virtual events happening during the two conferences that are relevant to young people in the region; and
3) promote key messages related to the HIV response in the region, to advocate that AIDS is not over, and to raise awareness about the needs of young people, especially young key populations.

Young people who fill the form will be contacted by Y-PEER AP and Youth Lead for a joint webinar to discuss the engagement of young people from Asia and the Pacific prior, during, and after AIDS 2020 and HIV 2020.

Note: This form is not linked with the official conference organizing committees.