Y-PEER is a structured global network of volunteers, young people, Focal Points, and Focal Points in Charge in national networks that are supported by International Coordinators. It is governed by a Global Advisory Board (GAB) – the highest decision-making body which consists of the Focal Points in charge of all the national networks. The GAB convenes annually to discuss governance and organizational issues.
- Focal Point (FP): – Peer trainers who attended an international or regional advanced capacity building training become Focal Points (FP). Focal Point is a crucial part of the national and international network structure because they represent their respective Y-PEER country networks and they have an important responsibility for coordinating and supporting their own networks in their own countries.
- National Coordinator: – A country network may have a National Coordinator or a National Coordinating body to run the national activities. There are no international criteria for National Coordinators; it is up to the country’s own decision.
- Focal Points In Charge (FPC): – Focal Points in Charge or the FPCs are the representatives of their respective Y-PEER Country Networks in Y-PEER International Network. They participate in Global Advisory Board (GAB) Meeting and they are an important part of the decision-making processes of Y-PEER International Network.
- Global Advisory Board (GAB): – the highest decision-making body, which consists of the Focal Points in charge of all the national networks, International Coordinators (ICs) and representative Alumni Board (AB) members. The GAB convenes annually to discuss governance and organizational issues.
- International coordinators (ICs): – International coordinators (ICs) are the official representatives of Y-PEER at the international level. ICs are coordinating the International Network and the execution of the annual action plan. International Coordinators are elected by Focal Point In-Charges (FPCs) in Global Advisory Board (GAB) Meeting for a 2-year term. All regions of Y-PEER should be represented in the International Coordinators team to have an equal voice in the team and to mentor Focal Point In-Charges of countries when needed.
- Alumni and Alumni Board (AB): – Alumni are the previous International Coordinators that finished their term. Alumni Board or the AB constitutes of previous ICs that finished their term (as ICs) maximum three years ago.